
To use Kotonoha in a project:


from kotonoha import Kotonoha

jtp = Kotonoha()

pipeline = [
                'replace_numbers': {'replace_text': '##'}

jtp.prepare(pipeline)'戦闘力9000以上だ! http://some.url')  # => '戦闘力##以上だ! '

Getting started

Kotonoha will execute all tasks defined in the pipeline sequentially.

List of tasks

  • alpha_to_full: Converts all alphabet words to full-width characters (kore => これ).
  • digits: Converts all numbers to half-width characters (1234 => 1234).
  • to_full_width: Converts to full-width characters (ナニ => ナニ).
  • lower: Converts to lower case.
  • replace_numbers: Replace all numbers with a `replace_text` (default #).
  • remove_numbers: Remove all numbers.
  • replace_prices: Replace all prices with a `replace_text` (default #). Prices should have the format 1,234,567.8912円.
  • remove_prices: Remove all prices.
  • replace_url: Replace all urls with a `replace_text` (default ‘’).
  • remove_url: Remove all urls.
  • replace_hashtags: Replace all hashtags with a `replace_text` (default ‘’).
  • replace_emails: Replace all emails with a `replace_text` (default ‘’).
  • replace_mentions: Replace all mentions with a `replace_text` (default ‘’).

MeCab handler

There is a class MeCabHandler which can be used to simplify some basic configurations for filtering and lemmatization of words.

from kotonoha import MeCabHandler
import MeCab

tagger = MeCab.Tagger('-Ochasen -d ' + neologd_path)

handler = MeCabHandler(tagger)

handler.nouns('...')  # => string containing nouns, separated by spaces, all words are in their lemma format.
handler.verbs('...')  # => string containing verbs, separated by spaces, all words are in their lemma format.
handler.meaningful('...')  # => string containing nouns, verbs and adjectives, separated by spaces, all words are in their lemma format.
handler.basic('...')  # => string containing all words, separated by spaces, all words are in their lemma format.

If you need to use a custom filter for MeCab, you can use the `by_filter` function and implement your own custom filter function. The filter function will receive a list of 8 strings containing the 7 features from MeCab’s parseToNode result + the surface. The filter function must return a text.

..code-block:: python

from kotonoha import MeCabHandler import MeCab

tagger = MeCab.Tagger(‘-Ochasen -d ‘ + neologd_path)

handler = MeCabHandler(tagger)

def my_custom_filter(args):
if args[0] == ‘形容詞’:
return args[6]
if args[0] == ‘動詞’ and args[1] == ‘自立’:
return args[6]
if args[0] == ‘名詞’ and args[1] not in {‘数’, ‘接尾’}:
return args[8]
return ‘’

handler.by_filter(‘…’, my_custom_filter)